Ford Press Releases – Environment and Sustainability Ford Embracing Analytics and Big Data to Inform Eco-Conscious Decisions, Stay Green (Oct. 25, 2013) Ford Cuts CO2 Emissions 37 Percent; New Report Highlights Another 30 Percent Reduction by 2015 (June 14, 2013) Serious Sustainability: Fusion Takes Ford’s Use of Recycled Material in Fabric Glogal, Furthers Industry-Changing Efforts (May 28, 2013) Agent of Change: Ford Empowers Women and Saves Lives in Rural India through New Technology, SUV Capabilities (May 7, 2013) Ford Cuts Global Water Use 8.5 Percent per Vehicle from 2011 to 2012; Total Usage Down 62 Percent Since 2000 (March 22, 2013) Ford Aims to Cut Waste-to-Landfill 40 Percent per Vehicle by 2016 through New Five-Year Global Waste Reduction Plan (Feb. 27, 2013) Bumper (and Light) Crop: Ford Program Celebrates 10 Years, Keeping 120 Million Pounds of Damaged Parts from Landfills (Dec. 27, 2012) Pulp Function: Ford and Weyerhaeuser Collaborate to Develop Automotive Applications Using Natural Fiber Materials (Sept. 27, 2012) Ford Cuts Energy Use 22 Percent; New Sustainability Report Calls for Added 25 Percent Drop by 2016 (June 15, 2012) Fusion Customers to Support Eco-Charities, Help Ford Through Repreve Save 2 Million Plastic Bottles from Landfills (May 3, 2012) Ford Sets New Goal to Build on Success of Cutting Waste: 100 Million Pounds Spared from Landfills Since 2007 (April 24, 2012) Higher Oil Costs Could Speed Up Use of New ‘Green’ Material Such As Old U.S. Paper Money in Future Fords (April 17, 2012) Ford Targets 30 Percent Water Reduction Per Vehicle (Dec. 29, 2011)