Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

OUWB professor earns prestigious laureate from American Academy of Ophthalmology

Michael Trese, M.D. (center) talks with Maria Woodward, M.D., (left), associate professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences, University Michigan, and Cagri Besirli, M.D., assistant professor, University of Michigan. (Photo courtesy of Michigan Medicine)
Michael Trese, M.D. (center) talks with Maria Woodward, M.D., (left), associate professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences, University Michigan, and Cagri Besirli, M.D., assistant professor, University of Michigan. (Photo courtesy of Michigan Medicine)

An OUWB faculty member is set to receive the highest possible honor from the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

During its meeting next month in New Orleans, Michael Trese, M.D., will receive the organization’s laureate award for his work in the field of pediatric retina.

Trese is a professor in the Department of Ophthalmology, OUWB, and a clinical professor of Biomedical Sciences at Oakland University. He has played a significant role in the evolution of OU’s Eye Research Institute. Trese is also a member of the Department of Ophthalmology at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) says Trese is “widely considered the father of modern pediatric vitreoretinal surgery,” who “revolutionized pediatric vitreoretinal surgery with the concept of lens sparing vitrectomy in the late 1980s.”

“A dedicated educator, Dr. Trese taught his techniques to a generation of fellows and colleagues,” AAO says on its website.

“These techniques are now performed worldwide and have restored and preserved sight in untold thousands of children.”

(Only partial stories are posted here with hopes to provide a brief overview and introduction to my most recent work. The full version of this story may be found on the OUWB website here.)

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